Duckworth, Bonnie

Bonnie Wagner Duckworth (b.1949) is a composer, instrumentalist, cantor, and music educator. Born in North Carolina to musical parents, she began training and performing in voice and instruments at a young age and later earned a Bachelor of Music degree from Appalachian State University. She has completed advanced study in theology at the University of the South and at The Deacon’s School for the Diocese of North Carolina. In addition, she has studied music composition at Salem College’s School of Music. There she was twice honored with the prestigious Rondthaler Award for Creativity in Music Composition. She has received the Presiding Bishop’s Certificate in Church Music from the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of the Episcopal Church of the United States. She is an ordained vocational deacon in the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. She currently serves as the director of the Arts Academy at Grace in Lexington, NC.

Ms. Duckworth has composed a variety of music, including anthems for children and adults, hymns, psalm settings, and works for solo voice, organ, piano, string, woodwind, and brass ensemble, and congregation. She is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota.

Click on the video to hear Bonnie Duckworth talk about “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”

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